Yaas, Do it for the Plot!!

​Yass, Do it for the Plot!(Yes, try something new)

Hi All, I'm still working on my teen/tween 2025 vocabulary so I can relate better to them!

I've been working super hard on the April/May schedule with some new offerings for youth at the studio.  Mondays this spring there will be a focus on painting and Tuesdays in May there is a Graphic Novel class being offered. I also have free art classes at Lakeview Library on Wednesday in February and free art classes at Pinney in April on Tuesdays.

Adult opportunities include Watercolor on Tuesdays, Friday explorations, and a Field trip offering to Dubuque. 

The summer camp schedule is also listed with registration opening on those camps on Jan. 31st-Feb. 1st.

Finally, The Textile Arts Center on the east side is offering a Youth Maker Meet-up on Monday Jan. 27th.  Here is a link if interested: https://www.textileartsmadison.org/youth-programs