Yaas, Do it for the Plot!!

​Yass, Do it for the Plot!(Yes, try something new)

Hi All, I'm still working on my teen/tween 2025 vocabulary so I can relate better to them!

I've been working super hard on the April/May schedule with some new offerings for youth at the studio.  Mondays this spring there will be a focus on painting and Tuesdays in May there is a Graphic Novel class being offered. I also have free art classes at Lakeview Library on Wednesday in February and free art classes at Pinney in April on Tuesdays.

Adult opportunities include Watercolor on Tuesdays, Friday explorations, and a Field trip offering to Dubuque. 

The summer camp schedule is also listed with registration opening on those camps on Jan. 31st-Feb. 1st.

Finally, The Textile Arts Center on the east side is offering a Youth Maker Meet-up on Monday Jan. 27th.  Here is a link if interested: https://www.textileartsmadison.org/youth-programs

Gallery Night Nov. 3rd 5-9m

Bare Knuckle Arts is participating in Gallery night this year. We will be showcasing art by the students who attend classes. Please bring family and friends to check out their work. Some of it may even be for sale. Refreshments will be served and time is from 5-9pm.


Hello Friends

We have several more weeks of summer camp at the studio and then on to the fall line-up.  There are many many art making opportunities this fall for all ages, please check them out on the website. I would like to highlight two art field trips for adults to Dubuque and Milwaukee,  gift making opportunities in November/December for youth as well as families.   A splash of some glass fusing workshops that include night lights, larger glass pieces, and ornaments are mixed in with some family workshops to create advent calendars and your own set of Nesting dolls.

The Nobel Prize poet Pablo Neruda, from Chile always wrote his poems in green ink.  It was his personal color of hope.  It's been found that the color green can increase our creativity.   I hope you enjoy the green in August we have here in Wisconsin and I look forward to seeing you soon.

The images attached are from Glow in the Dark Camp this week.  Yes they really do glow!! 

October to December New Class Opportunities

Hello Friends

We have a few new classes added for this mid October till December timeline.

Looking for a few more people to join us on Mondays beginning Oct. 17th for an Adult Art Journal Class at 10am.

In November, there is a fun Saturday workshop to create your own Advent Calendar as well as an opportunity to make a large fused glass piece on Saturday November 12th.

Finally, in December, there are a few more opportunities to make fused glass magnets, ornaments or sun catchers. Personally, I love the idea of a family suncatcher or a suncatcher made by each child as a gift for Gram and Gramps in your holiday celebrations.

Check them all out here: https://www.bareknucklearts.com/class-registrationshopping-cart

Recently Added Graphic Novel Class for Tweens/Teens beginning Oct. 18th

Graphic Novel Class Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm

KaBOOM!!! Calling all Tween/Teen Graphic Novelists! If you love graphic novels and are a motivated artist who wants to draw your characters into stories, this is the class for you! BAM!!! Draw interesting characters and tell compelling stories with images to create your own graphic novel. OH YEAH, ZAP!!! 5 Sessions 5:30-6:30pm Tuesday Oct. 18th, 25th, Nov. 1, 8, 15th

Open Studio Tuesdays this Summer 2021

Class Updates

Build A Bat House

Tramp Art Bottle Cap Chair May 22nd

Snow Day and Looking Forward

Hello Friends

Despite the snow day today and the studio being closed, normal classes are back in full swing with many opportunities to create together in monthly family fun Saturday workshops as well.

Looking forward into 2021:

Feb. 13th Celebrate the Love-Wood Heart Painting Workshop

March 20th Fairy House Workshop

April 10th Altered Cigar Box Workshop

May 15th Giant Dragonfly Garden Sculpture Workshop

June 19th Silk Scarf Marbling Workshop

In addition-the studio is offering a Spring Break Art Camp- Monday March 29th till Thursday April 1st for elementary aged children.

Hope to see you soon!

Hey Hey it's Almost November Friends!

Happy Fall Friends

I woke up yesterday morning from a lovely dream.  I was walking down the path in Tobermory to the lighthouse. Tobermory is on the Isle of Mull in Scotland.  The dream made me think of this little blue ceramic house I picked up as a souvenir made by an artist there.  See photo attached.

I've been spending a lot of time in my nest and realized that the atmosphere of my home is probably like yours-it's filled with objects that remind us of stories, people, travel, and memories that are important to us.  I wanted to share a few-a black dog my younger brother created in school, a banana phone made by a favorite student, and an interactive piece made by an artist friend that can display all kinds of 4 letter words!

I wanted to invite you to join in at the studio to create and make memories-as well as lovely little pieces of art you can surround yourself with and feel deeply connected too.

A few new family friendly workshops have been added to the schedule and I wanted to share them with you, coming up there is Wreath Making, Resin Casting, Fairy Houses, Mad Hearts Valentine Workshop and a few more.  In addition, a new session of Monday Art Elementary Class from 12:30-2pm has been added to the schedule if you have an elementary child interested in art. 

Oooohhh the Blue!!

Playing with Cyanotype Printing, Oooohhh the BLUE! Saturday October 17th 10am-Noon

Traditional cyanotype was an antique photographic process distinctive for producing Prussian Blue monochromatic prints. In this workshop, we will create 10 Prussian Blue-colored photograms on fabric in just minutes. It’s super simple all you need are things from nature or shapes you want to arrange and print. We will place objects or a contact negative over treated fabric and expose to sunlight. You have the opportunity to create 10 fabric pieces that you can take home with you and make into a quilt, pillows, prayer flags, napkins or whatever you can dream up.

$75 per participant All ages welcome

Offering Private Art Lessons all of August

Hey Friends

I’m offering private art lessons during the month of August for single children or sibling groups. These will be specific projects such as painting, drawing, and small sculpture. If you are interested in securing a spot let me know by email bareknucklearts@gmail.com

Times range from 9:30am, 11am, to 1pm. Lessons are 1.5 hours long and cost $20 per participant

These will be at the new studio 312 W. Lakeside Street, Madison 53715.

I will be wearing a mask, materials will be sanitized, and if weather permits we can be outside working next to the studio building.

The New Building and the Move

Next Week is the big move. Thank you for taking a class, a lesson or visiting us at 1949 Winnebago Street, the hope is you or your children will follow us on to the new building at 312 W. Lakeside Street.  The new place is directly across from Franklin elementary and just down the way from Lakeside Coffeehouse(a great place to relax and wait for a child to finish a class-both inside and outside).

There are still some summer class openings in Graphic Novels, Plein Air(all outside) drawing and painting for elementary, Design a Skateboard deck. As well as lots of opportunities for private art lessons in the month of August.

We also have some fall offerings up but these may change depending on the school districts start and stop times-which still seem to be in flux at this time.

Thank you and hope to see you soon.

Offering this Amazing Sculpture and Building Camp for Kids this Summer.

We are Moving to a New Building-August 2020

Hey Friends

We are sad that the 1949 Winnebago Bare Knuckle Arts building is being demolished to make way for some urban development later this summer. The building has been a unique lovely little home for many of us in the Atwood/Schenk neighborhood and those that wanted to experience high quality creative visual arts classes. The good news is: we will be continuing to serve Madison in a new location beginning July 13th, 2020. The studio and all classes will be moving to the Bay Creek Neighborhood and residing at 312 W. Lakeside Street, directly across from Franklin Elementary and down the block from the Lakeside Coffeehouse. It is just a little bit more of a drive from the east side but its with our sincerest hope that you will continue to join us for excellent visual arts classes for people of all ages. Come Hustle Your Art Muscle with us, soon!!!

Bare Knuckle Arts

312 W. Lakeside Street

Madison WI 53715

Summer Class Options with Small Class Sizes and Personal Instruction

Hello Friends

Looking ahead to summer classes at the studio here are some options to consider.

***First, beginning today if you registered for a Greater Madison Youth Graphic Novel Camp-it will be canceled through them. 

Bare Knuckle Arts, however is independently offering two Graphic Novel camps at the same time but the class size limit is 8 students or under.  You can only register for this through our shopping cart website starting today.

***Second-Here are some other great summer camp options to consider if you have changing plans. 

Wild at Heart Nature Camp June 15-17th

Spy Camp June 22-25th

Popular Culture Camp June 29-July 1st

Graphic Novel Camp July 13-16th

Design a Balance Board or Skateboard Deck July 20-22nd

Graphic Novel Camp July 27-30th

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, looking forward to more authentic in person art making with your children and teens.  Stay safe and healthy and hope to see you in the studio this summer.