Lapham Buildementary: Outdoor Sculptures by Kids was a 12-week exploration of public art and sculpture in an after-school club. Led by artist and art educator Amy Mietzel (owner of Bare Knuckles Arts), 1st and 2nd Grade Lapham students will consider local examples of public art, work with a few guest artists, and design and build sculptures in small groups. The students' work-in-progress will be on display during Gallery Night at Bare Knuckle Arts on Winnebago Street on Friday, May 5th and finished works will be displayed along the Yahara River in the summer.  This amazing opportunity is funded by a grant from the Madison Arts Commission with support from the Marquette Neighborhood Association, the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association, and the Lapham Parent Teacher Group. Writer and organizer of this project is Jessica Becker an arts advocate for the city of Madison who has created several inspiring projects within the city of Madison including Reflections from the Banks of the Yaharra River and Reynold Park Projects.  Read more about these successes on her blog Between Two Lakes.

 Lapham Buildementary: Outdoor Sculptures by Kids